Thursday 1 March 2018

Published March 01, 2018 by

Difference between Selenium IDE, Selenium RC, Selenium WebDriver & Selenium Grid

 Difference between Selenium IDE, Selenium RC, Selenium WebDriver & Selenium Grid

1.     Selenium IDE (Integrated Development Environment) :-
1.      Firefox add-on Selenium IDE allows users to record and re-play user actions in Firefox. It supports exporting the recorded scripts into Selenium RC or Selenium WebDriver code.
2.      Core part is based on JavaScript  and Supports different extensions in it.
3.      It supports User Interface so no need to use different programming language.
4.      Supported only in FireFox browser.
5.      It is not object oriented.
6.      No need to start server before executing the script.
7.      Does not support listeners.
8.      Doesn’t support mobile testing i.e. Android/IPhone applications.
2.      Selenium RC (Remote Control) :-
1.      Selenium RC is the first version of Selenium API, which was generally known as Selenium.
2.      Core part is based on JavaScript  and Supports different extensions in it.
3.      Doesn’t support User Interface but accepts all programming languages – Java, Pearl, Ruby, Python, C++, JavaScript, C#, Tecla etc.
4.      Supported in all browsers including Mozilla FireFox, Google Chrome, Internet Explorer, Safari Browser, Opera.
5.      It is rarely object oriented.
6.      Needs to start the server before executing test cases.
7.      Does not support listeners.
8.      Doesn’t support mobile testing i.e. Android/IPhone applications.
3.      Selenium WebDriver (Selenium 2) :-
1.    Selenium WebDriver, provides APIs in a variety of languages to allow for more control and the application of standard software development practices.
2.    It interacts natively with browser applications. Does not affect if application has different coding language.
3.    Doesn’t support User Interface, mainly uses Java programming language, and supports all programming languages.
4.    Supported in all types of browsers.
5.    It is fully object oriented.
6.    Does not need to start the server before executing test cases.
7.    Supports the implementation of listeners like TestNG listener.
8.    It supports all type of mobile testing. Android as well as IPhone applications.
4.      Selenium Grid :-
1.      Selenium Grid, makes it possible to use the Selenium APIs to control browser instances distributed over a grid of machines, allowing more tests to run in parallel.
2.      JSON WIRE PROTOCOL is the underlying technology used by client side drivers to communicate with server side RemoteWebDriver.
3.      Selenium Grid is a tool uses Selenium Server to execute either Selenium RC or Selenium WebDriver tests in parallel on different machines.